
Showing posts from March, 2022

Humbled and Honored

 Stars & Stripes: AOPA:

The Delta Pilot Selection Process

 Unlike most of my blog entries, this entry is specific to Delta Air Lines (Yup, "Air Lines" is two words for Delta!) I have had my application in at Delta (via since I finished initial training at Envoy Airlines.  I knew they would not select me that soon, but it made it easy to just keep updating the application until one day I had what Delta wanted.  I recommend doing the same. At the time of selection, here is what I had: Regional Airline First Officer LOSA Pilot for Regional Airline TT: 2000 Part 121: 1010 Masters Degree Military Service 5000 Volunteer Hours University Professor To prepare your application, take a look at the video below.  This hour long video will explain the in's and out's of your application.  The majors are looking at the details, and it is very important to ensure your application has that attention to detail. The Application  (if this link does not work, please email me) Once my application was selected by Delta, I received